Sports Performance Analysis
What is a Sports Performance consultation?
All sports have multiple components. These include flexibility, strength, endurance, power, speed, agility, and balance. Athletes use a combination of these components whenever they are training or in competition. Each sport places unique demands on each of these elements. How well you meet these demands will determine how well you perform in action. Using the latest in sports science assessment equipment, your practitioner will assess your individual performance in each of these areas and then design a program to improve your bodies performance for your chosen sport.
What will a Sports Performance Consultation Involve?
Your consultation will begin with a brief personal and medical history. Then using state of the art video analysis and gym equipment, all aspects of your performance will be tested with gold standard clinical tests. All the information gathered will then be put through specific performance formulars to give data that can be used to track improvements and highlight areas of concern or deficits. .
Your assessing practitioner will then advise you on a potential performance enhancement program and a rough guide as to what can be done. This allows you to make an informed decision as to whether you would like to continue with treatment. If you choose to continue your practitioner will then design an indepth training program to decrease injury risks and improve athletic performance.
The assessment is physical in nature so make sure you wear comfortable nonrestrictive clothing. Anthropometry (body composition) will be assessed. For the most accurate reading please wear light clothing or have an option available to change into on the day. During your assessment you will be tested at your maximum capacity across all areas (don’t forget to bring a sweat towel and water bottle).
What can I expect at my consultation?
- Anthropometric data (including body weight, BMI, body fat percentage, total body water, muscle mass, bone mass, basal metabolic rate, visceral fat level, metabolic age and physique rating)
- Range of motion scores in all biomechanical planes
- Strength assessment of sport specific components
- Functional assessment of sport specific components
- Endurance assessment (including VO2 max testing)
- Power assessment (including peak power output, mean power output and fatigue index)
- Assessment of speed and agility in a sport specific context
- Assessment of balance and proprioception in a sport specific context
Why choose us?
Our Performance Analysis team are qualified to a minimum degree level with extensive experience in performance analysis from weekend warriors to high performance athletes. All our clinicians are hand picked for their in depth knowledge in their field along with their ability to create detailed bespoke plans according to your sport and the level you compete at. They are available for early morning and evening appointments so they can always be available when you need them. Couple this with state of the art software and a fully equiped gym at our fingertips, you will have everything you need to achieve your best you.