January has come and gone, and I hope your new year’s resolutions haven’t gone too far out the window with it! I’m sure you’ve all smashed your targets, started that new dance class, got those morning stretches in, started a mindfulness practice and are continuing to work towards whatever your goals may be.
If you’ve just begun a new exercise regime or if you’ve been a fitness fanatic your whole life, remember that recovery is always important. We know exercise and keeping active is great for us, but it can take its toll on our bodies too if we overdo it. Pushing too hard when you are already tired can lead to poor movement patterns which may lead to injuries. Make sure you’re getting time to recover between sessions and build rest days into your routine. Recovery time allows your body to heal and strengthen itself, for your tissues to repair, your energy stores to replenish and for it to grow and adapt to what you’ve just thrown at it. Rest days are a good opportunity to take some time out to stretch, do some yoga, go for a gentle walk or grab a coffee with a friend. If you’re struggling to find motivation, finding it hard to wake up or drop off to sleep at night, feeling extra stress or feel a bit of a niggle somewhere in your body, it might be time for a rest day.
Recovery is needed for your mental as well as physical health. Building in rest days can help create a healthy balance between home, work and fitness goals. Making time for recovery will mean that the next time you grab your running shoes or football boots you’ll feel like you’ve got the physical and mental strength to give it everything!
To further aid in your recovery, we recommend getting regular massages, stretching and foam rolling. These can be really beneficial in speeding up the healing process, shortening recovery time and in preventing injury. Massage can help by increasing blood flow and lymph fluid, both assisting in the body’s natural healing process, speeding waste removal and assisting in general health improvement. Lactic and uric acids are natural by-products of exercise but these can be lessened with a sports massage by helping blood and lymph flow in the body and increasing the waste output. Massage also maximizes the supply of nutrients and oxygen through increased blood flow, which will help your body rebuild itself.
At the clinic we offer sports and remedial massage as well as relaxation massages. Relaxation massages can be great to help unwind, de-stress and help with mental recovery which is just as important as the physical side. We all have a variety of stressors in our lives, whether it be as a parent, in your career or as an athlete. Massage has shown to lower blood pressure, improve mood, lower anxiety and relieve stress and tension. A stressed athlete is not going to perform at their best or have the focus needed for training. Make sure you take time out of your busy schedules to allow yourself to destress and unwind. It will do wonders for your mental and physical recovery.
If you have any questions, please give us a call or drop into the clinic. We love hearing from you. Keep working hard and recovering well!
This Blog was Written By Gemma. To book an appointment with Gemma Click Here